Certified Home Inspector and Radon Test Provider
Serving Morgan, Berkeley and Jefferson counties in West Virginia;
and Fulton and Franklin counties in Pennsylvania.
Licensed and insured in WV and PA
Radon Testing
The Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia and border counties in Maryland and Pennsylvania are located in Zone 1 of the EPA's radon map, which means our area is predicted to have the highest levels of radon, or levels greater than 4 pCi/L. The EPA recommends that homes with levels higher than 4 pCi/L install a radon mitigation system to reduce radon levels and subsequently reduce the risk of lung cancer caused by radon.
While the EPA encourages all homeowners to at least perform a home radon test themselves, buyers and sellers are highly encouraged to have a certified professional radon test provider perform what's called a "real estate" test, which can be used in real estate transactions.
I am certified by the American Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants to test your home as part of a home inspection/real estate transaction or as a standalone test for peace of mind.

Cert. #IAC2-06-0962

Click to download the EPA's
Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon
in pdf format.
Click HERE to view the EPA's interactive
map of predicted radon levels across
the United States.